1:25pm Room A - Visual Representation of Quality Metrics
QMTools facilitates evaluation of spreadsheets of image quality metrics (IQMs) produced by the MRIQC program (a BIDS quality assessment tool for BOLD and structural MRI images). Evaluating the IQMs to assess which datasets should be excluded is daunting, and this project enhances the ease, speed, and consistency of that process by implementing three programs to visualize, compare, and review the IQMs (traffic, fetcher, and violin). QMtools is especially valuable for assessing BOLD images because it provides context for their evaluation not available elsewhere.
QMTools is in a public code repository created by Tom Hicks and Dianne Patterson. Its development was partially funded by the Translational BioImaging Resource–MRI core group at the University of Arizona.
Dr. Dianne Patterson |
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RII Neuroimaging Staff Scientist |
Dianne Patterson, Ph.D. has been working in neuroimaging for ~20 years and is a staff scientist for neuroimaging at the University of Arizona RII (Research, Innovation & Impact). Dianne has a Ph.D. in Psychology, Masters in Linguistics, and Bachelors in Philosophy, and became interested in imaging after studying the mechanisms of speech production in Alex the parrot.